Monday, August 2, 2010

School ALREADY?!?!?!'s already starting up next week?! A week from today?! I really can't believe it! I guess I need to have some "end of summer" plans....

VJ has a new toy, a little tractor, who's "dumper" really dumps. VJ loves it...and he's not the only one. Noah and I have been really attached to it...until when Noah was riding it around the bumpy backyard, it stopped, and I had to tell him that it was to heavy. Then VJ rode it around, and it worked! Guess we are putting on weight...and height! I'm already at least 5 ft 1 in....according to the pool depth. Part of my forehead is above water in the 5ft end.....I'm really growing! I suppose I'll be able to drive at the right time!!..and not be too short! I'm almost as tall as our pastor's wife, and a little taller than my friend Bradley...I'm not a shortie anymore, that's for sure!!!


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