Saturday, April 24, 2010


I really do..the title says it all. There's going to be tornado watches this evening..I think, and WHNT says that there's a LOT of damage in Mississippi and they showed a picture, of a tree uprooted, a church building's roof damaged, and the sign blown over, and everything a mess.
Here in Madison it's all rainy, and windy. T-Storms are expected,and I hope there aren't any or warning. I hate that sound that the warning make...VJ was all scared of the thunder this morning. I'm not to afraid of that., but tornadoes...they're a different story. One time, at LCA, we were having a tornado drill, and my friend Jenny and I went to look for our art teacher. She had been in the office,and when we looked towards the door, she was standing between us and the door. She goes," I thought we had to go outside." And then, before I said anything, Noah's PE teacher, says," No, we're supposed to go into the bathroom." So we got in there. Why would anyone go outside if there's a tornado?..not that I'm hoping for one while I'm there.

i had dance pictures today, and they went fine. We got there around 12:15pm, and then were there till about 2: 05 or so. My two first dance pictures went fine, but then Mrs. Melody had the little kids that we're dancing with, do their pictures...why I don't know. Mom said that it would have been a better idea to have the older girls go they don't take as much "putting in the right place,and fixing of the hands/arms/feet.".

Anyway, that's it. If I post more, than I survived the tornado/T-storm!!! Pray for the storms this year...such stuff can get pretty wild.

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