Sunday, January 10, 2010

Church Day!!!

Oh, finally! It's church day! I love going to church. I love singing, and then doodling on a piece of paper with my friends while the sermon is going on. Then we kids play before and after in the gym across the hall from the cafeteria.

This morning the sermon was walking this way, and we had a nice time singing, Wholly Yours, God of Wonders, For all the Saints, and Abide with Me. We also had communion, or the Lord's Supper. Noah and I haven't gone through the communicants class yet, so we couldn't partake of the Lord's Supper. Neither could my friend Katy and her younger sister Sarah. So we weren't alone. We had a good time. In the gym, we had a bit of trouble with the older boys, who are 12-13. They kept taking our ball that Noah and I had brought. And then we had to get it back and that was something. Noah and I usually tackle the boy who was the ball, but this time I ended up catching the ball. Thank the Lord for that!!.

Well, I'll write more later. If you notice, this blog is now sounding like a journal. I din't really care how I end it, as long it's in a Christian way.

See ya!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad you have such a great time at church!

~Joelle Kim~

Anonymous said...

Coolio! I really like the "church" thing. It's cool! I'm glad that you still mention our old church.
:-) -Joelle Kim-

The Ahmeds said...

Joelle! I'm glad you posted something!