So, I have a book report due in May, for Alabama History in LCA. I'm doing it on Wernher Von Braun. He's a German guy, and really famous for his rockets, and NASA work. I've almost finished reading the first chapter( which is, by the way, about 13 and 1/2 pages long), and it's been pretty interesting. Here's some of it, which I revised :
Wernher was the middle of 3 boys ( their poor mom :( ), and was born March 23,1912 and into aristocracy. His father was a wealthy farmer and minister under the Weimar Republic. Wernher was a charming, and attractive boy , and given to intense but enduring enthusiasms. Wernher was barely 6 when World War II ended. Max Valier made a rocket vehicle, and being inspired by Mr. Valier, Wernher put his brain to work. He put several fireworks to the back of a coaster wagon, and set them all off at once. The wagon went totally out of control,pulling along a comet's tail of fire, but the rockets went past his dreams. But, in the end, Wernher's "rocket" drove through Berlin's most packed thoroughfare, the Tiergarten Strasse, and Wernher, I'm sure, was very scared, but pleased that his rocket car was actually going. Alas, Wernher was arrested, but was released by the Minister of Agriculture, his own father.
Wernher daydreamed about space,and that it might be possible for a man to travel among the planets, and stars( which is true now). He saw himself as a person building rockets, and sending explorers into outer space. Maybe he would even travel in space himself!!
Without knowing it, the young, 13 year old Wernerher Von Braun had just mapped out his future: 44 years later, he would really send explorers to the moon, but he would never make the trip himself. Wernher did grapple( I still can't understand what this is saying)," Building a moon rocket was engineering of high order. Braun realized, after talking with one of his teachers, that building such a thing, would take grapple more seriously than math or anything else."
( I promise I revised this stuff). Ina year, eh had risen to the top of his class in Hermann Lietz School on Spiekeroog Island, in Germany's North Sea. He persuaded the principle to buy a large telescope - a preview of Braun's further study of astronomy.Wernher graduated from high school a year early, and in his final year, his math teacher was taken ill, and Braun, a student himself, was asked to take the teacher's place. He did well, for not one of the students ( including Braun himself) flunked the official math exam at the end of the year. after graduation,Wernher attended the Charlottenburg institute of Technology in Berlin.There, he learned what being a engineer really was like. He was asked to make a iron lump, the size of a child's head, into a cube. After about 5 weeks, he turned the little thing, the size of a walnut, over to the foreman. After measuring the sides, the foreman said, in one word, " Gut!" ( that means good in German.. i know some German)."
OK, I think that's enough. I'm getting a little tired of looking at my book, revising in my head, and typing. I'll do some more in a few days, or so.
Anyway, I hope this book will be finished by the end of March or beginning of April. It has about 146 pages, including preface.
Well, I guess that's it.
See ya later!
"Then Go said " Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters."
Genesis 1:6
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010 last!
Well, It looks like we'll have a cousin in about 3-4 days!! My new-soon-to-be cousin Tytus will be coming by Monday..if not earlier. If Tytus doesn't come before Monday, they will induce Stephanie. Finally! If only he knew we've been waiting 10 months for him! I might forget by the time he's 4-5-6 yrs old or so, but Uncle T-Bone( his real name is Tyrone..but it's our nickname for him)said about him, looking at the ultrasound, that he looked like a shrimp with a bean head.....really nice of him, isn't it?
Also, Noah got a orange belt in karate tonight, and we are all proud of him..I am long as I don't get sent to the hospital from a bad kick/punch.I'll post the pictures( and VJ too...with Noah's old belt on)soon...when they are loaded up.
My mom said that one of the injured men from the UAH shooting is out, & the lady is moved to the SICU, and the other man has had a very touching thing happen to him. Mom said that some of his own students, that he had taught years ago, took care of him in his condition. If I remember correctly, she also said that his class is needed to be a nurse in that particular unit. Mom also said that he's being more squeezing hands, and stuff( not talking yet, though). I know, BSF night( the 30 minutes in and out of Huntsville) really lets us get talking in...( ha ha).
Well, I'd better go. There's LCA tomorrow( and who knows what AL Hx will bring..more homework, I'm sure), and probably math and spelling too.
John 10:11
" I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me- just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father- and I lay down my life for the sheep."
I think this is my favorite verse in the Bible..from John. It's so encouraging to know that Jesus paid our price for our sins on the cross, and we don't have to go to hell. I love it..and this verse has made known to me that I am a sinner and I need Christ..we just can't do anything by ourselves. It's prompted my to read the Bible, and not complain.
Also, Noah got a orange belt in karate tonight, and we are all proud of him..I am long as I don't get sent to the hospital from a bad kick/punch.I'll post the pictures( and VJ too...with Noah's old belt on)soon...when they are loaded up.
My mom said that one of the injured men from the UAH shooting is out, & the lady is moved to the SICU, and the other man has had a very touching thing happen to him. Mom said that some of his own students, that he had taught years ago, took care of him in his condition. If I remember correctly, she also said that his class is needed to be a nurse in that particular unit. Mom also said that he's being more squeezing hands, and stuff( not talking yet, though). I know, BSF night( the 30 minutes in and out of Huntsville) really lets us get talking in...( ha ha).
Well, I'd better go. There's LCA tomorrow( and who knows what AL Hx will bring..more homework, I'm sure), and probably math and spelling too.
John 10:11
" I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me- just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father- and I lay down my life for the sheep."
I think this is my favorite verse in the Bible..from John. It's so encouraging to know that Jesus paid our price for our sins on the cross, and we don't have to go to hell. I love it..and this verse has made known to me that I am a sinner and I need Christ..we just can't do anything by ourselves. It's prompted my to read the Bible, and not complain.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Congratulations to Noah! :-) He had this Pine Wood Derby Race today,and his car won every race it was in! Wonderful! He also won a ribbon ( for 2nd place in his den ) and a trophy ( for 6th place in his pack).Since he won every race his car was in, he gets to go to District. That's where he races against other packs in the area. His car is a cute's a kind of dark orange, and it's name is Wedge Antilles....if I remember correctly, it's name from Star Wars....some guy under Lando Carissian( but i don't know if I spelled it right). You can see it in the pictures below.
Congratulations Noah!!! He got Wendy's' for lunch,too!....what a way to end a exciting day!( I was at the store with Mom, but I didn't mind...I was just to hungry and ready for Mac and Cheese to care).
Getting ready to go!
Left to right:
Adam, Noah, and Jacob
Good job, Noah!
Great job to him! Mom wants me to put this picture on here:
1 Corinthians 9:19
'For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that i might win the more...."
Matthew 7:7
" Ask, and it will given to you;seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened unto you."
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dentist Appointments.
So, on Wednesday, we had dentist appointments. We have this new dentist,and she's really nice. No cavities, but I'm probably going to have braces..for my teeth are very squished. I have at least four teeth trying to come in but there's no room! Noah might need them too, but he might not. What they are worried about with him, is that there is this tooth that he lost when he was 7 and is hasn't come in yet. We'll see when we go back in August. The hygienist said I did have stuff on my teeth,and I'm going to work better on cleaning them. After your baby teeth, you only have another pair of teeth.
So, I guess that's all. Noah wants his turn. I'll tell you about these science chapters, all about the moon and planets...and LCA.
Got to go.
So, I guess that's all. Noah wants his turn. I'll tell you about these science chapters, all about the moon and planets...and LCA.
Got to go.
Monday, February 15, 2010
SNOW!!!!! :)
"Snow, snow, beautiful snow, flying all over the sleigh. Every year we get to go to grandfather;'s house to play! Slide, slide all over the ground, all that I have to say is; grandpa's fun, but where's the sun? Oh! why can't we move to LA ?!
Over the River and through the Woods.
Snow! Our 3-4 snow here this winter ( I just remember playing in the snow a lot this past winter).We were going to go to the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, but this weather stopped it. I listen to the radio's 88.1 in the mornings. So I listened this morning, and it said," The State Troupers are wanting people to stay at home, if possible."
When I mentioned that to Dad, when he came out to make his breakfast( his same-old buckwheat pancakes), I tried to name off all the police type people. "....police, SWAT Team, State Troupers, and Storm Troupers.." Dad laughed, " You're thinking of Star Wars! There is no such thing of Storm Troupers.
Oh, well.
I hope no one has had a wreak. I did hear that there was a few one on I-65, and then one on some other road. Dad told Mom this morning that Nana told him ( when he called her) that she said that there was a big wreak in Kansas 30 cars or something.
Isaiah 1:18
" Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord." Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow;though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines' Day!!!!!!!
I can't believe that the year has really flown by since last Valentines' Day.
John 13: 34-35
" A new commandment I give you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples if you have love one another.
John 14: 21 & 23-24
" He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father and I will love him and show Myself to him."
Jesus answered him and said," If anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent me. "
John 12: 22-26
" He who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world, will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, My servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves Me."
John 11: 23-27 ( This is Martha and Jesus speaking, before the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead)
Jesus said to her, " Your brother will rise again."
Martha said to Him, " I know the he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."
Jesus said to her, " I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
She said to Him, " Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God who is come into the world."
John 14 :6
Jesus sadi to him ( Thomas), " I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, execpt through me."
What a great gift God gave us; nothing can be better than the One who takes way the sin of the world.
Katy for all
I can't believe that the year has really flown by since last Valentines' Day.
John 13: 34-35
" A new commandment I give you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples if you have love one another.
John 14: 21 & 23-24
" He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father and I will love him and show Myself to him."
Jesus answered him and said," If anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent me. "
John 12: 22-26
" He who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world, will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, My servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves Me."
John 11: 23-27 ( This is Martha and Jesus speaking, before the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead)
Jesus said to her, " Your brother will rise again."
Martha said to Him, " I know the he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."
Jesus said to her, " I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
She said to Him, " Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God who is come into the world."
John 14 :6
Jesus sadi to him ( Thomas), " I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, execpt through me."
What a great gift God gave us; nothing can be better than the One who takes way the sin of the world.
Katy for all
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Very Unbelieveable.....
So I got home from Mimi and Papa's ( our grandparents where I spent the night) and saw a newspaper lying on the kitchen table. It said "NOT AGAIN" on the headline, and then had a picture of some EMTs carrying people to the ambulance. I put my stuff into my room, and then walked back to the kitchen to see the newspaper. Mimi was already looking at that, and I looked beside her. I read to myself that 3 professors were shot and 2-3 more were critically injured.
Apparently, this lady ( Amy, I think) wanted this position, very badly.When she had a meeting with the other professors, and they said she didn't get that particular position, she let off a big chunk of the wrong way. Really, I could understand if she let out a big tantrum, and kicked, and screamed/yelled and then the police had to take her away; but this........
So she shot them. What surprised me is that it was about the same time, and the exact week after the shooting at Discovery Middle School( which happens to be a mile or so from us; Dad says that where he'll probably teach me to drive). Maybe Amy had something to do with the guy who shot Todd Brown, and they were working together. Pretty interesting coincidence.
For more info:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
August 2009 Shuttle Launch
For those of you who don't know, in August of 2009, we went down to Florida, Cape Canaveral, Florida, and saw the Space Shuttle Discovery lift-off. What an amazing experience! VJ even got to push the button ( a button on Dad's radio), to make it lift-off! Dad wanted to see one, and them we kids and Mom hadn't seen one, so it was a trip before they disappear. :)
What a great view( with the help of Dad's
camera....a long distance zoom).
from the place where we were going to watch the launch.
And even better picture of Discovery.
A shuttle or rocket engine. I forget now which.
Same V.A.B. . Just back a little.
For those of you who don't know, or don't remember what "V.A.B." means, it means Vehicle Assembly Building. Dad said that where they assemble the shuttle, screw it together, set it on the launch pad, and them roll it out, on a big, huge tractor like thing. The launch pad ( my seeing from a video on YouTube with Dad) is on the truck, so the truck just pulls away and leaves the Shuttle, External Tank, and Solid Rocket Boosters sitting there. I hope I got everything right!
All I remember is that it's an engine!
The V.A.B. .
Inside the V.A.B., an external tank in progress...
I think.
Mr. Sleepy( aka:VJ) and Noah, in our posh apartment.
See me in the background?
We had this nice porch/balcony, and it was wonderful
to go out there, lean gently on the rail, and look out at
sea, and smell the salty air......ah!
For those of you who don't know, or don't remember what "V.A.B." means, it means Vehicle Assembly Building. Dad said that where they assemble the shuttle, screw it together, set it on the launch pad, and them roll it out, on a big, huge tractor like thing. The launch pad ( my seeing from a video on YouTube with Dad) is on the truck, so the truck just pulls away and leaves the Shuttle, External Tank, and Solid Rocket Boosters sitting there. I hope I got everything right!
We even have a video of the lift off! I'll try to post that next. Dad and I both took a video; I with his camera and then he did his big expensive camera.
Monday, February 8, 2010
we got snow today! we drove through snow taking VJ to preschool, but we didn't get hurt. :)
When we got back, and before we left, Mom said that she hoped that preschool wouldn't be closed. And it wasn't.
Thank the Lord for the beautiful snow...... and I didn't have to miss my favorite past-time!: swinging on on swing connected tot he swing set, and listening to my MP3 play, and daydreaming!!!
p.s. I post pictures I took ( with Mom's camera) later.....I think I'll have to get Dad to teach me how to load pictures upon the computer! :)
When we got back, and before we left, Mom said that she hoped that preschool wouldn't be closed. And it wasn't.
Thank the Lord for the beautiful snow...... and I didn't have to miss my favorite past-time!: swinging on on swing connected tot he swing set, and listening to my MP3 play, and daydreaming!!!
p.s. I post pictures I took ( with Mom's camera) later.....I think I'll have to get Dad to teach me how to load pictures upon the computer! :)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Discovery Middle Shooting Post number 2
The poor boy shot in the head died today. I feel sorry for his family. The school went into
emergency procedure they hoped they'd never had to use. The other ninth grader that shot Todd Brown in the head in still in custody..... and I hope he will learn his lesson.
must go,
emergency procedure they hoped they'd never had to use. The other ninth grader that shot Todd Brown in the head in still in custody..... and I hope he will learn his lesson.
must go,
Friday, February 5, 2010
Discovery Middle School Shooting
Discovery Middle School had a shooting happen today in one of their hallways. A ninth grader shot another ninth grader in the head. The shooter is in custody,while the other boy is at Huntsville Hospital in serious condition. I heard about this from Mom when she asked Dad if he had heard about it. Nobody else was injured in this, except the boy shot in the head.
I looked ( on my turn on the computer) it up on the News Channel 19 website, and it said all of this ( after I heard Mom ask Dad if he had heard about it.).
One of our friends from church, goes to Discovery, but Mom read on Facebook that she didn't go to school today.
Dinner time! i wonder what Mom has cooked up for supper......
I looked ( on my turn on the computer) it up on the News Channel 19 website, and it said all of this ( after I heard Mom ask Dad if he had heard about it.).
One of our friends from church, goes to Discovery, but Mom read on Facebook that she didn't go to school today.
Dinner time! i wonder what Mom has cooked up for supper......
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
BSF night......thank the Lord!!!!
Tuesday! BSF night, at last! I've always liked going to BSF. BSF stands for Bible Study Fellowship. Mom and I carpool with one of her nursing buddies. Mrs. Julie has 3 kids, and do I enjoy chatting with them! We take turns riding in each other' s cars... you know, split the gas.Jonah, and Nathan ( Nate) have plenty to tell me about DS' and video games. They are pretty shocked to know that I don't have a video game, but they are staying with it that Noah used to have a little pirate one. But, god news, I'm not the only girl in the car! Paige is a girl, and girls understand girly stuff ( I DO NOT mean romance ( maybe when I'm older) but stuff like boys are very hard in the terms of being their sister). Tonight I'm bringing my MP3 player, and then we can sit in the back ( as not to interrupt the moms as they're talking) and then sing along with our music.
Sorry, I need to go. We have to take Noah to karate.
Sorry, I need to go. We have to take Noah to karate.
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