Wednesday, March 31, 2010
By the Way, Noah's arm is doing okay. Dr. Griffin said that he can't take the cast off ( same reason: the bone will break again), and we have another appointment next Monday. Still itchy, and sore. But tonight, I found out how Mom has that boy take a bath: wrap his arm/cast in saran wrap! Interesting, but it works.
We went to church today, and had a wonderful brunch( I managed to choke down two small spoonfuls of hash browns, ( Mom made me) and gobbled down a very small piece of chocolate cake,( that Mom didn't see) and a chocolate chip muffin). And then the kids 6th grade and younger had an Easter Egg Hunt. The older kids( 7th and up...what Mr. Plott calls " youth") hid them. Or " threw" them around the playground. The pastor's son, Hunter, and his friend were throwing them around the playground, according to Catharine, the pastor's other daughter, ( he has 13 year old Hunter, 10yr old Bradley ( my friend), and then 6 yr old Catharine.)... :) Pretty easy to find those ones.
Here are the verses:
John 19: 28-30
" After this ( telling John to take his mother into his home), Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, " I thirst"( other versions say " I am thirsty"). Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a hyssop, and put it to His mouth. So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said , " It is finished." And bowing His head He gave up His spirit. "
John 20:1-18
" On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved( John), and said to them, ' They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him'. Peter, therefore, went out and the other disciple and were going to the tomb. So they both ran, together, and the other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first. And he, stooping down and looking in, saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief, that had been around His head, not lying with the other cloths, but folded together in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who came to the tomb first went in also, and he saw and believed. For as yet they did not know the Scripture, that He must rise from the dead. Then the disciples went away to their own homes. But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. Then they said to her,' Woman, why are you weeping? ' She said to them, ' Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have lain Him.' Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you weeping? Who are you seeking?', supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, ' Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him and I will take Him away.' Jesus said to her, ' Mary!' She turned and said to Him , ' Rabboni!'( which is to say " Teacher"). Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father, but go to My brethren and say to them, ' I am ascending to My Father, and your Father, and to My God, and to your God.' Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that He had spoken these things to her. "
I'll do more this next week. BTW, Noah and I each got a Webkinz today, as Easter gifts( from Mom and Dad NOT the Easter Bunny...don't believe in that.). I got a giraffe, and Noah got an donkey. I thought that was a perfect thing to get, ( it was only $12.99, according to Mom), but Jesus rode on a donkey, and a donkey means " peace". He could have rode anything, and cow, horse, pony, but He chose a donkey,because it means " peace".
Friday, March 26, 2010
A Noah Update....
We're ( and hope y'all will do the same) praying that he won't have to have's enough to have a broken bone and not be able to ride bikes, do karate, and all those fun stuff. But a broken bones does not stop Noah from watching SpongeBob Squarepants! We're replacing the A-Team, and Star Wars with goofy movies! Noah, VJ ( who hardly ever gets to watch SpongeBob...Cars, Magic School Bus are his ones), and I like them! Mom says it's better than kids getting the act of killing and murdering in their heads.
VJ, now, was a very different story in the waiting room. Running' around and asking Mom if she had a lollipop, is just VJ. He finally ran up to the counter and asked the lady there if she had a lollipop, and she gave each of us a piece of candy( after Mom's permission), and that quieted the little fellow down...until we got to the room we were going to be in. We had a room right over the trolleys , from one hospital to another. He got a big kick out of that, telling Dr. Griffin to look, ( he said " Oh, yes, I've waited all my life to see those!" ), and asking Dr. Griffin's assistant to " sit down and look". And he chattered on and on about " Look! there's the trolley!" and " where it going , Mommy?" and " here it comes! it coming Mommy! it coming, Katy! it coming Noah! ", and " Mommy! Mommy! Look!!" And he told the nurse, who was wrapping Noah's arm in the red color stuff, " See? There's a trolley! It coming for me!" . Little boys. " I want to ride it a trolley , Mommy."
I'll update y'all later. Since I'm on the computer, I want to find out the answer to a bonus question for Alabama History : Why is the Redstone Arsenal called Redstone Arsenal? I was the one who brought it up. We get 10 extra points on the quiz in 2 weeks if we find out what the answer is.
Happy Palm Sunday!
John 12: 12-13
" The next day a multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out, " Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! The King of Israel! "
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Reading Vocabulary -...9:00- 9:30
( stretch break-5min)
Reading Comprehension... 9:35- 10:35
Snack Break... 10:35- 10:50
Spelling- 10:55 ... 11:40
Social Science ...9:00- 9:35
( stretch break..5min)
Mathematics Problem Solving...9:40-10:40
Snack Break...10;40- 10:55
Listening...10:55- 11:35
Science...9:00- 9:35
(stretch break)
Mathematics procedures...9:40-10:20
Snack Break..10:20- 10:35
Language...10:35- 11:30
That's my schedule. We followed it, and it went pretty smoothly.....although there is this talker in my class.( not to say that I'm not a talker...cause most of you know that I am). Today,he yawned-sighed loudly during math and got shushed my my teacher, and some of the other boys at his table, and tried to start talking before we started Listening. And my teacher( Mrs. Giles) actually told him to "zip it"! Imagine!!!... He did look like he was gritting his teeth to keep from spilling his guts after she said that (when I looked at him).
p.s. I'm, now calling " talking back", "spilling your guts". just so y'all know.
More updates later. Noah's arm is doing better. He had a lot of swelling yesterday( Monday) but, his arm is doing somewhat better today.Mom said that it's probably because he didn't have it propped up enough yesterday. We have him watching Prince Caspian ( one of the Narnia movies) right now, sitting with him arm propped up. He actually found out a way( a tiring way if you ask me) for having his arm "propped" up: hold you arm like you're doing a high block.
I guess it works....never tried, it and I don't feel like trying it either.
Revelation 4:8b
" ' Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God almighty. Who was and is and is to come..."
Oh, Easter and Palm Sunday are coming up!
Happy Early Easter!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Changed Household
Noah went to the ER,and Mom said that they were let out a little bit after 9pm. He has temporary cast, and will get his real one in a few days.He also has his arm in a sling, which I think is super cool. From what I can tell, he's getting better at eating with his left hand. I did have to help him with pouring ketchup...for lunch...but besides that, he's OK. But, Mom's helped him the changing clothes, and that thing. When he came inside( after it broke), it sorta looked like a banana( believe he told me to put it one here!). Here's Noah in his words:
" It's very annoying when I'm itchy under the cast. It hurts when I move my arm to fast. I got an IV and it felt weird. I liked the ER, and watching the nurses and doctors do stuff on my fingers. I really want an orange cast, and my friends will sign it. I liked the help I got from the people. I even got carried into the bed...that was really nice! The cast feels really weird. They put me to sleep when the set my arm. Please pray that my arm will heal well, so that I may go back to playing with my friends, and doing things I enjoy."
Noah Ahmed
He made a deal with me: He'd say things for the blog, if I'd watch an episode of Sponge Bob Square pants with him. Oh, well.:) I like that silly creature too. By the way, Sponge Bob is a sponge, his friend Patrick is a starfish.
Sponge Bob time!
p.s. I have SATs tomorrow! I hope I do well!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Burial at Sea
Just for y'all who have/have had fish, they stink when you have to pour them down the toilet, or just feed them( their food stinks worse).I put my nose to their food( when I had to feed them for the first time) and practically dropped it!
I hadn't really "bonded" with them, so it wasn't like Noah and VJ had to hear me wailing from every corner of the house. I held my breath instead. One of the reasons was that I petted them. And the other reason( for Goldy) is that when I was going to put him/her the new cage, I put the twist tie, on the table and held the bag with he poor things on the bottom of the bag, not near the top. All that water made the bag tip over, and Goldy and A LOT of water spill out onto the floor. ( Carly was okay. still in the bag). I screamed for Noah to scoop the poor thing up, and he did and plopped him in the tank. I, not risking another spill, dumped Carly and the rest of his dirty( already in the bag) water into the tank. Then came the messy job of cleaning up all that dirty fishy water. Eww! Anyway, I lived through that, and may of y'all can see, as I'm posting. Mom thinks that that might have terrified him, a bit,and the fact that I was petting him like an dog. The weird thing is that you don't know how long they've been in the pet store, and how long they already were when they came to the pet store.
Anyway, after all that bad stuff there is a very good part. Mom and I have finished painting two walls , and I hope we'll be able to finish filling in the cracks tonight. By the way, we stayed up past 10pm last night!....SWEET!!! :)
I guess that's it. No more.....yet. I'll see if I can get more pictures of Noah and my betas. I'm not sure how it' exactly spelled, but I believe it's close enough.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Spring Break....yaaa! and boo.....
Also, today, Noah and I each got at least one fish. I got two goldfishes, and Noah got a Bata. i have this medium goldfish bowl,and Noah got this kit( it happens that he only spend $27 something, and I spend over $30) that has a little tank, food,cleaner, gravel, and fake plant. I ended up buying( not choosing a kit) a medium tank, two goldfish, food, and a 5 lb bag of gravel. I have the little things in my room, on a table under my window. When my room is painted( and neat, for Mom), I'll take a picture of it, and then a close up of the fish. We're thinking of putting the tanks in the laundry room so the fish don't get cold, in a house that has me cowering under my covers cause Dad turns it down to 62 degrees or whatever. It'll keep them warmer; it was Noah's idea. Pretty good one.
Well, I guess that's all the news. Tytus is doing fine, so it Aunt Stephanie. I'll email her and see what's new!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
G.O.L.F., Marriage and Children.
Mom said " No."
And Noah replies," It stands for Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden."
I said," Your kidding. Mom, I think he made this up."
And Noah says, " No, my friend Andrew told it to me.
"I said , Maybe he made it up,"
And Mom said," Just let him be.".
I still don't agree with that, but it'll work for the men's bathroom, and possibly Noah's bedroom door....( haha). Guess I've got to think up something for my bedroom door.
To the marriage part: We were in the car, and headed for the gas station, and then to church, when VJ started reciting ( Noah taught him this by saying it over and over) the marriage part of The Princess Bride. He goes, " marriage a dream" ,and then says , " marriage and a fun!" The car became a laughing party, and Dad said that will be a FaceBook worthy quote. I said it'd be a blog quote, and here it is. The real quote, for those of you who haven't see that movie( it's pretty good, execpt some gruesome parts), is this:
' Marriage, marriage is what brings us together, today. Marriage that blessed arrangement as a dream within a dream." The guy, who plays the old man who " marrys" Buttercup and the prince, has this old toddler-like voice, and says things wrong.
Children: Well, church's sermons and our chapel @ LCA are a bit alike. Mr. Swinny( our LCA chapel teacher) said that when your parents discipline you, it because God instructs them to, and because they love you. He said that when you misbehave, that must take the rod and put it to the seat of knowledge. He told a couple of stories. I'll tell you them, the way he told us( act like I'm him):
" I had a bee-bee gun. . Once, I accidentally shot my brother in the back( ouch).
One day, I was carrying the gun in my hand, and I went up to my mother, who was on the couch. She said,' Make sure that thing isn't cocked.'. And I said, ' Nah, it isn't.' My mother said, ' Point it at the ground, and do not pull that trigger.' I didn't listen, and said, ' It's not cocked, Mom.' I pointed it at this big mirror, and pulled the trigger.The bee-bee flew out, and went straight into the middle of the mirror. It didn't shatter, and today you can still see where it went in. I remember running and hiding behind the TV, when my dad came home."
Well, in church today, we were talking about Eph 6: 1-4: " Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother for this is the first commandment with promise', that you may live long in the land. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
He started with the kids, and had first the oldest kids raise their hands( including me), and then the ones with older siblings, and then the ones with out any siblings. Dad was the only one who was a only child....amazing. Mr. William Plott ( our pastor) said that verses 1-3 are commands not optional. You are supposed to obey your parents. When you obey your parents , you are obeying God.And Mr. Plott said that he's not just speaking to the children, everyone is a child, a child of God is they know/believe him. ( By the way, this is the first sermon that I've really listened to, usually I'm play tic-tac-toe,a or something with a friend). For verse four, he said this verse is a do-not and a command. I can't exactly remember all of this, but he said it pretty clearly.
I guess that all. Noah went to District, but didn't win anything; he and Dad haven't see the results yet, which are on the website, or in an email. I'll see if Dad can load up a few of the pictures, and I'll put them on here later.
See y'all! Sorry, Mom, if I'm acting southern....:)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
PJ Day! ;)
Well, I guess that's it. Just felt like posting something. Well, one more thing. I am liking math better( than before). I think Dad's going to like that. And for y'all who don't like math, or anything to do with math, it's not all that bad. Once you get to the difference of that area of a parallelogram, and the area of a triangle...there's a real difference between those two!! I'll tell find the area of a parallelogram, take the base and times that by the perpendicular height....but to find the area of a triangle, take the base,and times that by the perpendicular height, and then divide by 2.
A real difference. Mom and I had gone over that about 5 times, and I still missed it on a test.
Oh, by the way, I have SATs coming up .....I think Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'm not sure.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Eye Appointments.
Anyway, I think that's all. Mom is in need of some help, and I don't blame her...she's had a hard morning/afternoon( homeschooling wears her out, my eyes).
VJ got a hair cut, and I'll post those pics later.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Tytus Nathaniel Barton.
+030210.jpg)
Tytus, and Mommy ( Stephanie).
Warm and smiley.....
Stephanie ended up having a C-section...something about her cervix not opening up well, and the medicines they gave her to start contractions, made Tytus' heart rate drop...all nurse stuff.....
Anyway, he's home now, and fine. We have a cuzin! ( I know, I spelled that wrong...sorry Mom... ;) ).
If I can get a video on here( didn't work last time...perhaps I did it wrong), then I will. I'll ask Dad later.
Big news:... Noah and I each are probably getting a goldfish. Mom and Dad are fine with it..( cause we're buying it), and Noah and I have always wanted one.
I guess that's all of the big news....I'll see what other things come up...
T-bone took more pictures, but couldn't load them up till he got home( he took the other ones with his cell phone.). When we get some, I'll post them.